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Dwidaya World Wide Established on July 19 th , 1967, PT Dwidaya World Wide is one of the largest travel agency in Indonesia. And under the brand Dwidayatour, they have more than 80 offices in most of the major cities in Indonesia. Dwidayatour is among the top ten travel agents for most of the major airlines operating in Indonesia. Subsidiaries - PT Dayawisata Inti Indah Focusing on wholesale production and distribution of leisure programs - PT Dwidaya Nusantara Convex Manage all event requirements - PT Dwidaya Wisata Indonesia Focusing on handling domestic and inbound tourist - PT Nusatovel The largest travel agency in Central Java - PT Dwidaya Forex Money changer - PT Dwidaya Indoexchange (Ezy Travel) Focus on providing customer an effective online reservation - PT Rajakamar International Group The largest hotel wholesale as well as the largest online hotel operator in Indone
LIONTIN (Adaptasi Film Cinderella) Sang ibu menepuk-nepuk punggung kedua anaknya dengan kasih sayang yang sedang tertidur pulas diselimuti dengan sebuah selimut tebal yang membuat mereka merasa hangat walaupun pendingin ruangan menunjukkan dua puluh empat derajat celcius. Setelah merasa anak-anaknya telah teriring ke dalam alam mimpi, ia tersenyum sebelum beranjak dari tempat tidur kedua anak perempuan kembarnya yang berusia 8 tahun, Adena dan Adelia. Malam telah menunjukan pukul 9, sudah saatnya ia juga mengistirahatkan tubuhnya setelah menjalani berbagai pekerjaan rumah hari ini, maklum, ia adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Tak lupa ia meminum beberapa pil obat sebelum tidur karena 1 tahun sebelumnya ia didiagnosis terkena kanker stadium 3 yang mengharuskannya untuk menjalani terapi setiap 2 minggu sekali dan meminum beberapa butir obat setiap harinya. Walaupun begitu, suami dan kedua anaknya terus mendukung untuk kesembuhan ibunya tercinta agar terbebas dari penyakit terse
The Indonesian Hakka Museum located in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah area. Hakka Museum is a museum about the existence of Chinese people in Indonesia. The Indonesian Hakka Museum is divided into three parts: The Chinese Museum of Indonesia, The Hakka Museum of Indonesia, and The Yongding Hakka Museum of Indonesia. Since the history of Hakka in Indonesia is an integral part of the Indonesian Chinese history, it is only natural to present first the history of Indonesian Chinese, followed by the history of Indonesian Hakka. Opening Hour Tuesday – Sunday 09:00 – 16:00 WIB There are 3 floors inside this museum. The first floor is a hall, the second floor is The Chinese Museum of Indonesia, the third floor is The Hakka Museum of Indonesia, and The Yongding Hakka Museum of Indonesia. The Chinese Museum of Indonesia divided into 7 rooms. 1. The first room is about the history of Chinese arrival in Indonesia. 2. The second room is showing the
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